Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Year 12 IB Art Project 2

Visualisation of a character described in a song leading to relief sculpture and block printing.

Initial Research in RWB (from now until January 9th)

Part 1: Choose a passage from a song that describes an individual character (possible examples below)

Do not choose a song and then do a picture of the actual singer (no Kurts, Bobs or Jimmies please!!!)

Part 2: Find lots of images of people that fit your conception of that character. This may be from your own photographs, magazines, newspapers, paintings by other artists etc.

Part 3: Draw and paint these images in various media. Be experimental. Use collaged photocopies and magazine pictures cut up and pasted together (certainly by hand and also possibly using PhotoShop etc). Work and rework the existing faces to create something new. Work over images in paint, pencil etc. Photocopy the final images and work over them again. Combine differnt faces to create a new person who is the character in your song/poem./prose.

The above work should fill at least 12 sides in your book.

Make these pages funky and busy – they should be working pages – integrate notes, lyrics and imagery.

Also 3 sides (minimum) illustrated research into printing techniques including: Linocut, Silkscreen, Etching and Woodcut.

Remaining 5 sides for this month::

Observational drawing work - wrap 7 different objects in newspaper, string and selotape. Arrange them into a still life and draw them in a range of different media (biro, pastel, charcoal, pencil, paint etc)

This is prep for a short observational drawing project that you will be doing this term

Studio Work (Jan 9th onwards)

Parts 4 & 5: (simultaneous): Using the final image to develop a block print that will be taken to at least 3 colour stages.

4 A1 sheets + multiple A3 & A4 experiments. You will also make a relief sculpture centred around a 3-dimensional realisation based upon your image. The ‘portrait’ sculptures will expand/be framed/explode outwards so as to continue the idea of the character at the centre (look at previous year 12s’ project for a clearer understanding of this)

Monday, December 11, 2006

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Monday, December 04, 2006