Thursday, March 29, 2007

Click Here => Ron Mueck

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Almost certainly the coolest thing you will ever see on the internet!


be patient it will take a couple of minutes to load

This is probably what Renesa's brain is like....

Monday, March 05, 2007

Year 12 IB Art:

Developing new projects

You will have completed a huge amount of drawn, painted, collaged, written and photographic research by now (30 sides and upwards in your RWB plus the other Venice studio work on paper). Which aspects of this work you use to inspire your next projects are up to you.

Between now and the end of the year you will complete at least 2 major studio projects. One will be mostly 2 dimensional. The other can be in any combination of media and dimensions (2, 3 or 4) that you like. From now until Friday 23rd March you will produce 15 new sides in your book (10 for Standard Level) They will be the beginning of your self initiated projects, but will specifically evolve into the 2D project (usually the easiest/safest way to begin)

How to start:

From the following list of words select THREE to develop into a focus for your projects:




6 sides:

For each of your 3 chosen words produce a double page spread of collaged words, ideas, images and sketches that relate that word to your experiences and research from the Venice trip.

6 sides:

Experimentation with 2D images and techniques: Collage, photography, digital manipulation, drawing, painting, oil pastel batik, text, etc. Don’t set out with a finished idea in mind. Focus on your 3 chosen words as your direction (combined with photocopies of your own drawings and photographs from Venice). Take risks. Work back into pages in new and unusual materials. No grey pencil on these pages at all!!!

3 sides: Begin to develop more elaborate/final written and illustrated ideas for your own 2D project. Use notes to explain your decisions – don’t worry if it sounds crazy – be descriptive and inventive in your use of language.

Remember the final outcome has to be the ‘equivalent’ of a large studio painting/sculpture in terms of time, effort and quality. That means it could be a series of smaller/quicker pieces that work together.

You will notice that you only have to do 15 new sides this month – the rest of the time is for improving your Venice pages – extend notes, add further highlights/quality to drawings etc.

From March 26th until Friday April 20th you will begin to develop 20 sides of ideas and research for your second project – still Venice + your 3 words but in any combination of 2, 3 and 4 dimensional media.