Friday, September 23, 2011

The Venice Biennale

Art as a political game

An interesting article from

The Economist

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

An interesting gallery in Rome that you might not know.
Only 2 minutes walk from Campo...

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

(we do not live in a bubble)

Year 13 Artists' New IWB task

Cultures Converge

Here is a link to a PDF of the current IWB research task for Y13 (with working hyperlinks to videos and other resources)

Tuesday, September 06, 2011

SGBIS Art Department welcomes our new 2011-2013 IB Visual Arts class

(with some more work to do!)

First of all: congratulations on your excellent GCSE Art results. Miss Borkowski & myself are very proud of you all!

To help you build upon all of your summer work and to gain a clear understanding of the entire IB Art process, you will be using some of the online resources that I have been developing for Triple A Learning.

The two main units are available for you to download




We shall refer to them in class and look at at a lot of the linked material. However, your work may well develop in ways that are beyond what is described in the project units...

St George's Art at the Saatchi Gallery

Rob Bonar Law's self portrait was one of 5 artworks recently shortlisted from the thousands of artworks on display on the Saatchi online gallery for a Sunday Telegraph Magazine article.

Although the article was eventually published without Rob's work, this was a significant achievement!

See SGBIS work on the Saatchi Gallery HERE