Sunday, November 18, 2012

Internationally acclaimed street artist 'Miss Van' currently has a solo show at Dorothy Circus  gallery (near Campo) . I met her at the opening on 17/11 - and she was very nice!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Year 12 IB Artists :

To help you build upon all of your ongoing portrait  work and to gain a clear understanding of the entire IB Art process, you will be using some of the online resources that I have been developing for Triple A Learning.

The two main units are available for you to download




We shall refer to them in class and look at at a lot of the linked material. However, your work may well develop in ways that are beyond what is described in the project units...

(nb the content filter blocks the file site in school, so you can only see them off site)

Mr Morgan's Helpful Art College Application Guide

It's not pretty, but it might just help you to get into the foundation course of your dreams:

Download the PDF HERE

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Cecilia Granara graduated from St George's in 2009. After completing a foundation course at Chelsea College of Art and Design, London, she is currently studying to complete a BA in Fine Arts at St Martin's College of Art and Design, London. In this exact moment she is at the Ecole Nationale Superieure Beaux Arts, Paris, on an Erasmus exchange.

This is her website:


Saturday, October 13, 2012

Ideas and resources to help Y13 with current IWB task (the significance of media in artworks)

Some interesting sculptural projects in a range of unusual media

A relevant blog to start you off...

Materials & meanings

Another good page

Follow the links to the artists' sites

How does an artist's choice of medium impact upon the final outcome?

Prior to Duchamp & Picasso. most sculptors used ceramics, carved stone, bone, plaster or wood and cast metal to express their ideas. Now available media might include frozen blood, vaseline, waste products, sharks and formaldehyde, condoms, old tights, kebabs, cigarette ends, used engine oil, the artist's own body....

Or in this case - the artist Gianni Motti presents a bar of soap that he claims is made from fat that was liposuctioned from Silvio Berlusconi:

Wednesday, October 03, 2012

Latest Y13 Workbook task:

Saturday, September 29, 2012

We did it!

Good Work Art Monkeys. You totally rocked the MAXXI!

photos by Oli R and Mr M

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Jonathan Moen's Painting Published in The Sunday Telegraph (23/09/12)

The work was selected from the many thousands on the 

Saturday, September 08, 2012

Images to inspire Y12 artists working on their MAXXI performance sculptural garments

Friday, August 17, 2012

Our catalogue for the 2012 
IB Art Exhibition at SGBIS

Friday, August 03, 2012

Gallery Dreaming - some ideas

Here are a couple of my own ideas for the MAXXI, plus one from ex-SGBIS Art student Jona Smulders Cohen (more info HERE)


Sunday, July 22, 2012

Hi Resolution Images for the Gallery Dreaming Project

I have now collected a disk of hi res images for use with the Gallery Dreaming MAXXI project. I have uploaded thumbnails to most of them here

Choose the image(s) that you would like to work with from this gallery of photographs supplied to us as part of our partnership with MAXXI and then I will email you the high quality hi-res versions. Let me know the exact image file name: for example: IMG_3991 (hover your cursor over the image and the file name should pop up)

It isn't essential to use any of these images. However, you will need a good quality image of a space within the MAXXI that does not have any other artwork in it (apart from your own proposal)

Sunday, June 03, 2012

Gallery Dreamers: Planning site specific artworks for the MAXXI. 
Here are some images and architectural designs from the planning and completion of the MAXXI. I hope that they are useful in helping to strip back the MAXXI to its purest forms and spaces - which is what we are going to be working with. There's a nice quote from Hadid: 'the museum is ‘not a object-container', but rather a campus for art’ - I like the sound of that!

And here is an interesting article about the curatorial difficulties of actually showing artworks in the MAXXI:


Friday, May 25, 2012

Khan Academy and Art

If you have not already used the Khan Academy, it contains a huge range of video tutorials and resources across a wide range of subjects - including Art History.

Hearing diverse speakers and critics discuss artworks form a range of perspectives will help you to develop your own critical and contextual writing and thinking

Get started now: HERE

Tuesday, May 15, 2012 TEDxTransmedia is an inspirational global conference focused on finding ways transmedia thinking can help shape socially responsible media.

At TEDxTransmedia 2012 we invite thinkers, doers and ultimately dreamers to join us in a discussion about shaping meaningful media through the opportunities provided by various transmedia techniques.

On September 28th 2012, TEDxTransmedia meets at the MAXXI Museum in Rome for the third conference of its kind. This year's theme is WEkids: Dreamers, Geeks and Mindshifters.  watch this spaceget ready to get involved!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Paddy Hartley's 'Face Corsets'

Some artists record the human face, others such as Hartley seek to transform it:

Brendan Kelly

Here is a video of him talking about one of his traditional portraits.

He has some interesting approaches to drawing, both traditionally and on his iPad:

There is a lot more iPad work on the travel section of his website

Here is his website:

Monday, March 26, 2012

Year 12 Students

26/03/11. IWB Research Task.

Developing Madrid Project Number 3 (and beyond)

Friday, February 10, 2012

needs more shading and he didn't acknowledge his sources on every page

Friday, February 03, 2012

Some of Mr Morgan's own recent work


'Quinoa' - an illustration that I made for Bioversity International. It has been selected for The Association of Illustrators' exhibition and book 'Images 36' and will feature in an exhibition in London later this year.


'L'Uomo Uccello' - A low resolution clip from an animated film that I have made for Rachael Mossom's new dance project that will premiere at the Royal Opera House in Covent Garden.

Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Best of koikoikoi 2011

stuck for ideas? have a look at koikoikoi!