Friday, May 25, 2012

Khan Academy and Art

If you have not already used the Khan Academy, it contains a huge range of video tutorials and resources across a wide range of subjects - including Art History.

Hearing diverse speakers and critics discuss artworks form a range of perspectives will help you to develop your own critical and contextual writing and thinking

Get started now: HERE

Tuesday, May 15, 2012 TEDxTransmedia is an inspirational global conference focused on finding ways transmedia thinking can help shape socially responsible media.

At TEDxTransmedia 2012 we invite thinkers, doers and ultimately dreamers to join us in a discussion about shaping meaningful media through the opportunities provided by various transmedia techniques.

On September 28th 2012, TEDxTransmedia meets at the MAXXI Museum in Rome for the third conference of its kind. This year's theme is WEkids: Dreamers, Geeks and Mindshifters.  watch this spaceget ready to get involved!